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Terms & Conditions

Please make sure you have read and understand the following terms and conditions as will be bound by these terms and conditions when booking your lessons with Fox School of Motoring.


1.  A minimum one lesson in advance payment is to be made as form of a securing deposit to be made at the time of booking, all further lessons to be paid in advance, for example at the end of each lesson for the next lesson the following week.

2. All instructors will conduct themselves in an appropriate and supportive manner, showing consideration and respect toward the pupil at all times. If the pupil requires extra support with their learning during lessons or has additional requirements then this must be discussed with the instructor to allow them to provide the very best support.

3. Verbal and or physical assault or offensive language directed toward instructors from the pupil or pupil's friends or family will not be tolerated.  Any such attack will result in the instance cancelation of any further instruction from the instructor and Fox School of Motoring.  Any such verbal, physical or abusive actions may then be reported to the police, as this is an offense.  Instructors and pupils are expected to keep communication respectful and professional toward each other at all times.

4. The vehicle you learn to drive in will be of a suitable type fitted with dual controls to provide safety and support during your lessons. This vehicle will be fully insured, please note that there is a £150 excess charge payable in the event of an accident , that is, if the accident is caused due to the pupil disregarding instruction, then the cost may be payable by the pupil.

5. The pupil must be in possession of a valid driving licence and meet the DVLA medical and eyesight requirements.

5 a) Standards of vision for driving (Source:

You must be able to read (with glasses or contact lenses, if necessary) a car number plate made after 1 September 2001 from 20 metres.

You must also meet the minimum eyesight standard for driving by having a visual acuity of at least decimal 0.5 (6/12) measured on the Snellen scale (with glasses or contact lenses, if necessary) using both eyes together or, if you have sight in one eye only, in that eye.

You must also have an adequate field of vision - your optician can tell you about this and do a test.

5 b) Fitness to Drive

The DVSA's guide to fitness to drive can be found here:

It is important to also be aware that many over the counter and prescription medications can have an impact on awareness and concentration and therefore affect driving ability.  Please check any medication prior to commencing driving.

6. Any lessons cancelled must be done with at least 48 hours’ notice given to the instructor, failure to do this will result in the cost of the lesson being charged in full to the pupil, failure to pay will result in the instructor withdrawing their services.

7. Your instructor will not be held responsible for the postponement or cancellation of any lesson as a result of heavy traffic, illness or mechanical fault of the vehicle. In the event of such problems your instructor will inform the pupil in reasonable time and re-schedule the lesson and no charge for the postponed lesson will be made.

8. Your instructor may reserve the right to terminate lessons in the event the pupil is deemed unfit to drive for any reason including ill health or being or appearing under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

9.  Always follow the rules of "I AM SAFE" 

I Am =  Attitude. A positive attitude to learning and development is an essential part of progressive development.  And a positive attitude to driving, being safe and responsible on the roads.

S =  Sleep.  Make sure you have had enough sleep before a lesson.

A = Alcohol.  No alcohol consumed in the last 24hours.

F =  Food.  Don't turn up hungry - make sure you have eaten as this affects concentration.

E =  Emotions.  Are you emotionally ok - how we feel has a direct effect on how we learn and how we drive.

10. Your instructor may reserve the right to withdraw the use of their vehicle from the driving test if the pupil is not considered up to test standard. 

Any new learner drivers to join Fox School of Motoring must undergo at least 16 hours in car training with their instructor, this will be agreed upon the first lesson, and failure to attend all training to cover the minimum training requirement may result in the instructor denying the use of their car for test purposes. 

11. Learner drivers wishing to undergo training with a Fox School of Motoring driving instructor who possesses a pre-booked test will at first be assessed, the minimum 16 hours in car training rule still applies and the candidate must be prepared to follow the driving instructors recommendations to push the test back if it is thought appropriate.  An assessment will take place and then an agreed training progress plan will be discussed and agreed.  Failure to abide by the training plan, missing lessons / not achieving the required number of hours pre-test may result in the instructor denying the use of their car for test purposes. 

12. The instructor must be consulted prior to booking the driving test to ensure the pupil is, or will be up to standard by the date set. No guarantees can be made pertaining to the achievement of test standard or pass the driving test but all support by way of training will be provided. 

13.  Any tests moved, rebooked or brought forward MUST be done with the consent and support of your driving instructor.  Failure to consult your instructor in the booking of driving test may result in the driving instructor either being unavailable for the test day / time or the instructor unable to provide the necessary levels of training required for you, the pupil, to be allowed to attend your test in a Fox School of Motoring vehicle.


14. Block bookings. Block bookings can be discussed with your driving instructor. The instructor has the authority of the company to offer discounts to block bookings and this must be agreed directly with the instructor. All payments for block bookings must be paid in advance and scheduled. If a lesson is cancelled the same 48 hour notice period for cancelations applies. Once a block booking package has been completed either another block booking should be paid for in advance of the first lesson of the block booking or the standard lesson cost will once again be applied.


15. All refunds are purely at the driving instructor’s discretion as any advanced payment agreements are between the instructor and the student, any such financial agreements are in no way the responsibility of Fox School of Motoring.

16. Whilst conducting lessons all instructors and students must follow best practice pertaining to COVID infection and any other transmittable viruses, germs and colds risks whilst training.

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